
The Peace Light is a very personal experience and can be utilized and enjoyed many different ways. We‘ve collected a series of resources for you to use in whatever way works best for you and your organization. Feel free to use any of these you wish (as is or edited), or create your own.

Many of the resources are geared toward specific audiences, but the message is relevant regardless of the presenter or the audience. Click each link below to look around -- if you find something you like, please help yourself and adapt it to fit your needs.

If you have other resources we should include in our collection, please let us know.

A collection of resources designed specifically for Scouts.

Designed to assist you in introducing the Peace Light to your worship leaders.

Patches and lapel pins for sale.

Materials you can print yourself or send to a professional printer.

Scripts and presentations for use in sharing the Peace Light and teaching others about it.

A collection of relevant scripture, quotes, music, and readings.

Peace Light Facebook links, websites, and videos from around the world. Also includes links to articles in print media.